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What is required for successful transfer of knowledge? By Angela Kisakye

What is required for successful transfer of knowledge? By Angela Kisakye

Knowledge translation has in the recent past emerged as an important discipline in linking policy makers, communities and relevant stakeholders to research evidence.  The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) recognizes two types of knowledge translation (KT): (1) the end of grant KT, which involves intensive dissemination activities to tailor the findings' message for stakeholders (by summary briefings to stakeholders; interactive educational sessions with policy makers and media engagement among others), and (2) the integrated KT, in which all stakeholders engage in collaborative research by ongoing interaction of researchers, health workers, communities  and policy makers.

For any of the above KT types to be successful, there is need for clear understanding of the different KT elements, stages, and process taking into consideration the situation, context, and orientation and joining the collaboration of researchers, health workers and communities. The importance of close collaboration among stakeholders cannot be underestimated for a successful KT process.

The challenge for possible knowledge translators is to identify the key messages for different target audiences in a way that can be easily assimilated. Researchers need to work with the translators to avoid controversies about the accuracy and relevance of the transferred knowledge for a promising KT process.


Azimi, A., Fattahi, R., & Asadi-Lari, M. (2015). Knowledge translation status and barriers. Journal of the Medical Library Association: JMLA103(2), 96.


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