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Esther Mc Sween-Cadieux

Esther Mc Sween-Cadieux is a Ph.D candidate in psychology at Montreal University, Canada. She is a member of RENARD team (, a cross-disciplinary group devoted to studying knowledge translation (KT) in the field of social interventions, specifically with regard to educational, health and community services (directed by Christian Dagenais, Ph.D.). She is also a member of REALISME chair (Interventional applied research in global health and equity) directed by Valéry Ridde, Ph.D. (

Esther decided to write her thesis on knowledge translation in order to know why reliable results of research are underused and to identify strategies that could promote their use, especially in public health in West Africa (Burkina Faso). More specifically, she is interested in program evaluation, knowledge brokering, deliberative dialogue and in development of KT products like infographics and videos. Esther is joining the KTNET team as a French speaking knowledge translation researcher and she is in charge of the French translation of KT articles.


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