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A Shared Platform for Knowledge Translation

To host a shared platform for KT across the eight coalitions funded by the NWO 

This comprises of hosting and coordinating platforms for shared learning across the network and with other partners globally. Specifically, The secretariat hosts a  KTnet Website that is be updated weekly with articles and blogs by the secretariat and coalition partners. 
Quarterly  tele-conferences are used to facilitate sharing of strategies, networking opportunities and challenges. E-platforms are used to disseminated and provide an avenue for researchers to provide input in the form of additional evidence or strategies for policy and practice under different research themes. 
 A quarterly newsletter written in both English and French reflecting the work done by the network will be disseminated to KTNET contacts and coalition partners. 
Videos of good practices, shared presentations and publications will be used to facilitate networking across the coalition partners. Additionally funding opportunities to promote networking among coalitions will be available every quarter. 

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